Category Archives: Guardianship Litigation

What is the Difference Between Conservatorship and Guardianship in Florida?
Many people mistakenly believe that conservatorship and guardianship are synonyms or the same legal proceeding. However, these two terms describe two different legal processes under Florida law. In Florida, you can file a petition for guardianship when your family member has become incapacitated due to a bodily injury or illness that has affected his… Read More »

Seeking Help from a Florida Guardianship Attorney
Are you facing the difficult decision of attempting to appoint a guardian for a member of your family or a loved one? It is never easy to witness someone close to you lose their independence. While it is difficult, a Florida legal guardianship might be the best thing for your loved one or family… Read More »

What Are Inter Vivos Trusts?
While this Latin term may sound complex, inter vivos trusts are actually very simple. They are trusts that are created while you are still alive as opposed to testamentary trusts, which are created by your will and only go into effect after your death. There are many different types of inter vivos trusts that… Read More »